It is pretty evident that I am not good at keeping a blog anymore. I used to be really good at it and a lot of other things. I really wanted to keep this going and be diligent in keeping this blog up to date for Malina. It would give her something to look back on one day and be able to know what all has happened during this time in her life. I just haven't been good at it. It isn't my thing.
I have turned to facebook to keep updates going on Malina It just seemed like the easiest way for me to keep everyone informed. However, I do miss writing things down just for Malina. I need to be better at this and a lot of other things. I know I have had a lot going on but it doesn't mean I can't try.
Now I am not saying that I will be prefect at this but here's to trying harder to be better. All I can do is try to be better than I was yesterday.
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