Friday, April 18, 2014

Finally Some Answers

On March 24 I called the orthopedic doctor and talked with his nurse. She chatted with the doctor and called me back within five minutes and told us to get Malina to the ER. Different doctors had been in to see her including neurology. This doctor pinched Malina's toes so hard that the doctors fingers were turning white and Malina had no reaction to this. As a parent, this was scary to watch.

They ordered an MRI of her spine and head but we had to wait until later in the afternoon so that she didn't have anything in her stomach. During this time Billy and I were back and forth with Jenna making sure she got to school and then I took her to a friends house to stay the night because we knew we would be staying at least that night.
Malina was out of her MRI by 6:30. The images showed a large mass in the lower part of her spine that was compressing her nerves!  They had to do emergency surgery to remove this. At the time Dr Anderson (the orthopedic doctor I  had saw the week before) did not know what it was, he just knew he had to get it out. She was taken away and was being prepped for emergency spinal and back surgery by 7. SCARY!!!  

I've just been putting mostly facts down so I can get caught up to where we are now, but this is where my faith comes in so strong. I was actually not at the hospital when the doctor came to talk to Billy, I was out with Jenna. Billy sent me a text and told me that she was out of her MRI and that we had an answer. Immediately I felt peace! I had no idea what kind of answers we had, I had no idea what was in store for us. I just had a perfect feeling of peace come over me. And I have not lost that feeling. When I made it back in Billy told me what was going on. I broke down crying when I saw the MRI images. I was so happy to have an answer and know that she was going to get taken care of. We had a great doctor who recognized that something wasn't right and made sure we were listened to. I knew that my little girl was being watched over. I could feel the prayers and faith of so many people. I could feel my Saviors love my family at that time. Yes it was scary to know that my sweet baby was going into major surgery, but at that moment I had to put my faith and trust in the Lord and know that everything would be ok.

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