When Dr Anderson finished her surgery he came to talk with Billy and I. He let us know that he did not know what it was that he took out of her back. It wasn't pussy and it wasn't hard. He had never seen it before. Samples of it had been sent out to different pathology labs and also over to Truman Medical which is across the street from Children's Mercy. They had lots of different people working on her case to figure this out.
Malina did great during her surgery and right after. In fact, she did great all during her recovery. It was so sad to see her not being able to move and get around. But we knew that she just needed to get better.
She started her recovery in the PICU, then we were moved up to 6 Hall Tuesday night. On Thursday afternoon Dr Anderson came in to see us. Billy had gone to eat lunch with the guys from work and Jenna was playing with friends, so I was by myself. He came in to let us know that what he took out of her spine was cancer. He told me that pathology was 99% sure what it was but that they needed to run some more tests on the tumor and then Malina also needed to have some more testing done.
We spent the next week having more tests done and getting her port put in. On Friday April 4 we sat down with our doctors, Dr Neville and Dr Angulo (fellow) to go over her diagnoses and treatment plan. We were told that she has Ewing's Sarcoma, a bone cancer. Hers is localized, which means it is no where else in her body and that is a really good thing. Her Chemotherapy will be for a year, which we thought was long but apparently is short. After 12 weeks the chemo will stop and her scans and tests will happen again. They will take a look at the few small residual pieces that the surgeon could not get out and determine with another surgery is necessary or not. She will be having radiation for sure. Once her scans are done, radiation and surgery is done also, then chemo will continue.
We will be having quite a few hospital stays and in the clinic a lot. Hopefully we won't have to be in much for anything other than chemo.
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