Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Baby has Cancer

My thoughts are all over the place right now as I watch my baby sleep in her hospital crib. She is so tiny, so perfect, so beautiful. I hate that this is happening to her. Cancer just sucks! It is so sad to watch anyone having to deal with this, but it is even worse to watch your child, and we haven't even hit the hard stuff yet. 

My Malina amazes me everyday with her strength and smiles. I am so happy with all the progress she has made since her surgery. Everyone has said that it is amazing how resilient children are and that is so true! She has gained so much mobility back already but still has a long way to go. She has been able to crawl and move her legs and has some sensation back. It will take time to get her up and walking again and that is ok. She will get there! She is a rock star!
Malina is in her third week of chemo right now. She is getting a new set of drugs this week so we will see how she handles these. So far everything has looked great, in fact when we checked into the clinic yesterday morning they told us she had gained 2 pounds!!! Poor girl wasn't excited to be back here but has quickly gotten the hang of what is going on this time. O but she hasn't given into the hospital food yet. She's not a fan of it, so all of her weight gain has been from home.
As much as it sucks to be going through this trial, I do have to say that it is ok. We will get through this. Our sweet Malina will be ok. I am thankful for so many things during this hard time. We have been so blessed between people cleaning our house to bringing us food to playing with Jenna. I KNOW without a doubt that the Savior and our Heavenly Father loves our family and is so very mindful of us and Malina during this time. There is no way that He is going to leave us on our own. I can't tell you how many times I have felt His love in the past month.
We are so thankful for all the many prayers and kind thoughts that have been for Malina and our family. We know that is what is keeping her and us strong during this time. We couldn't do this without all of our wonderful friends and family.

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